Saturday 4 August 2007

Cleaning fish

Why do women always eat for comfort in the middle of night in all movies and TV series? Do women really eat that much to make themselves feel better? I know that certain days of the month main interest is what is in the fridge but I do not eat in the middle of night if I am sad but then I do not entertain myself with TV shopping as any shopping for that matter either a women are supposed to do. I like getting new things yes, but I hate the “walking-around-shops” bit about it that i had to once again go through today.

And when having got something new you always have to wash it before wearing them anyway in order to avoid all the chemicals that are used when manufacturing clothes.

Fish was caught on yesterdays fishing trip so I had to perform some filleting of them in order to get the offspring to eat them as fishbone are not one thing that is considered fun to eat, just the cats who do not mind the aesthetics about the fish they eat, just that it tastes great! Perch is delicious but are a hassle to get them de-boned and filleted and my hands look just as cut as they always do after having cleaned fish.

Today an investigation was performed in the woods once again, to see if the Chanterelles are big enough to be picked as my husband has his secret picking spot and he does not want to go there in vain. The ones in the neighbouring woods were fine so tomorrow I am probably looking forward to doing some cleaning again, just hope the greed does not hit this time and that he only brings big ones home this time.

The weather has been excellent lately, warm and sunny and no rain in sight so I am looking forward to going out for a walk around the near-by lake tonight and take some photos of the surroundings. Kids swimming in the lake, flowers on the meadows or birds in the sky and maybe even a picture of a flamboyant sunset. Like the sunsets you only get at this time of the year.

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