Monday 13 August 2007

Back to normal

I can not seize to wonder at the politician even though they are not fully back into office after their summer break, the retired part of the population has been promised by the government that their taxes will be lowered and they who get more than 13000 euros a year in pension will benefit from this.

So where once again did this go wrong? What about the retirees that have smaller pensions than that, why are they not taken in concern in this?!? It is the citizens with the little income than need this to be able to cope without having to go to the social services to get money so they’ll survive. First you go to work every single day for forty years and something and pay your taxes, then you retire and have to pay more taxes out of your already earned pension than you had to when in working life. See what I mean, you once already did pay our taxes now you have to do it once again.

And the pensioners with the lowest incomes are of course the mothers that had to stay home with their children as there was no other option back then. How many of these women really wanted top quit their job instead of having to quit back then? Then came back to working life after the kids grew up leaving a fairly small pension to live on, the husband divorcing remarrying a younger one, well then there is not even his pension to rely on for survival. Only one option remains, applying for social benefits. The money still has to come from somewhere and it seems that it is just shuffled around as show.

Anyway, with the more consistent than intermittent rain showers of yesterday some things than needed to be done finally got done. Like paperwork which I just hate, but as it was due to be sent off today the deadline was hanging threatening my peace of mind all the time. Then there was the rhubarb that had to be taken care in the afternoon of along with the picked redcurrants than needed to be cooked into jelly and the weekend’s catch of perch and pike. This time a couple of quite big likes to my surprise which will make a nice soup later when it is not as hot as it still tends to be.

Tomorrow for instance the forecast promised steaming rain showers as it should be 27 degrees hot!

And today school finally started and I can get back into my normal day routine with no one disturbing it!

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