Monday 22 January 2007

Anonymous bureaucracy

One thing that really bugs me about living here in Finland is the anonymous way of handling all bureaucracy.
There is never someone in charge for your affairs wherever you go.

No matter if it’s the job-centre, the Department of Taxes or the People´s Pension Bureau you always have to tell the person you happened to meet all about your errand. All over again, once again instead of seeing the person who would be in charge of your things every time you have business in that office in question.

Oh yes, there is of course a boss who is responsible for the whole department of the bureau in question but hardly anywhere there is anyone who knows anything about your things and that I find quite frustrating.

In some of the other countries I have lived in they have had systems with a person responsible of your affairs depending on as various things as the day you were born on in the month or depending on the first letter in your surname, even the year you were born and you always did your business with the same person, who also was in charge of your matters and they usually had recollection of you from the last time there even though they do meet a lot of different people in that kind of places.

Not so here in Finland, here you just get bored with telling the same story over and over again to one more person who could not care less. Quite sad really, this way no one has to take any responsibility for anything. And nobody really seems to care!

At least I know I am in charge of making dinner tonight.

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