Friday 16 November 2007

Cancelled doctor’s appointments

Apparently the Finnish prime minister sought medical care yesterday because of lower back pains and found out he has a kidney stone problem.

The right time for seeking medical advice is right now, just before next week when the health care professionals union, the nurses walk out of their jobs having handed in their resignation. So far there has not been any solution in sight to the disagreement about their pay rises and a brand new law has been rushed through the parliament in order to maintain patient safety for the ordinary citizens who do not have the means to seek medical help with private doctors.

I just received a letter about a doctor’s appointment next week, in the letter was stated that my appointment had been cancelled due to the working conflict and that I would receive a new time for appointment when the situation is off. I was also directed to a homepage where info will be posted about what is currently going on.

Anyway, the weather has been splendid but unfortunately I have come down with a fever and have not been motivated enough to go outside even to catch any beautiful photos of the white winter landscape that has surrounded us. The ever so eager fisherman colleague of my husband’s has already been on about going ice-fishing since last weekend and he is hoping for it to be cold enough for the lakes to freeze over, preferably overnight for tomorrow morning. I guess we could do with some pike as it is very delicious especially in the winter, but I doubt the any ice on any lake will be safe enough to go fishing on yet.

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